TRUSTY is a suggest of a professional mobile use and a professional mobile marketing approach for own company business…
We developed TRUSTY as a new real interesting way to communicate, acquire and loyalty clients with own custom mobile app, really marketing oriented thanks to these features:
• Virtual Loyalty Card
• Points Management
• Push Notifications
• Sending custom posts (News, Coupons, Events...)
• ...and much more!
This new approach helps companies to improve:
• clients loyalty
• clients focusing on business products
• clients focusing on business communications
• clients acquisition
• user engagement
1. CUSTOMISATION: we make a custom app for each client as App Name, Logo, Icons,
Images, Functionalities.
2. COMMUNICATION: starting a new way to communicate with your clients sending news,
events, coupons, etc… in the most private device used from users.
3. MARKETING: to be in the most private device that all people use, thanks to Push
Notifications & Loyalty Program Strategy
4. LOYALTY: thanks to Virtual Loyalty Card and Points Management features, the app owner can make any marketing strategy.